Apostrophe is a punctuation mark ( ’ ). Apostrof är ett tecken.
En apostrof – apostrofen – apostrofer: An apostrophe – the apostrophe – Apostrophes
Apostrophe is one of the punctuation marks, and its usage in English language is easy and challenging (especially with singular and plural nouns ending with ‘s’ and in indicating omission of letters in a word – its, it’s, its).
In Swedish language, apostrophe is used – check the featured image – but its usage is not as widespread as in English because the possession (possessive pronouns, genitive) is indicated without an apostrophe: either the possession is within the word but it is indicated by adding ‘s’ to the headword. Refer to the possessive pronouns: PRONOUNS
In most cases, in Swedish language, the apostrophe to indicate is omitted and the ‘s’ is added without the apostrophe but in some texts the apostrophe is used but rarely. Examples:
ADVENT OF THOUGHT: Wind howls cold and afternoons are dark
Sveriges sociala omvandling är otroligt. SWEDEN’S SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION IS UNBELIEVABLE.
USA: s ekonomi växer. USA’S ECONOMY IS GROWING. (colon to indicate possession like ’)
Storbritanniens utträde från EU är i år. UK’S EXIT FROM EU IS THIS YEAR.
Kinas ekonomiska imperium framträder i Sverige, till exempel i Volvo. CHINA’S ECONOMIC EMPIRE IS MANIFESTED IN SWEDEN FOR EXAMPLE IN VOLVO.
Some of the functions of apostrophe in Swedish and English are similar:
-to show omitted letter(s) in a word (att visa utelämnade bokstäver)
Vi talade bland oss hela dag’n
-to mark out a word in a sentence or phrase in order to highlight – this is done in English either in italics or enclosing it in a single or double quotation mark but in Swedish it is done with an apostrophe on either side of the word
I SAW THE MOVIE ‘En man som heter Ove’ TWO TIMES IN A DAY.
Jag såg filmen ’En man som heter Ove’ två gånger på en dag
-to describe or indicate ownership
Jesus’ apostles’ writings are alive today
Jesus’ apostlers skrifter lever idag.
Jesus apostlers skrifter lever idag (without an apostrophe).
Sweden’s Volvo vehicles are every where.
Sveriges Volvofordon är var som helst (note the omission of apostrophe but indicated with ’s’.