The much-awaited project of building a cable car in Gothenburg is still in this pipeline with the Göteborgs Stad (the City of Gothenburg). A decision to this effect, whether the project will be undertaken or built or would be shelved will be taken in the autumn. But the outlines of the project and its current status was prominently displayed at the recently concluded Gothenburg Cultural Festival. Michelle from the tourist bureau of Götegborgs Stad told that a decision on the cable car would be taken in October 2019.
According to the official information, the proposal for a cable car came as a request from the Gothenburg citizens in a citizen dialogue for the city’s 400th anniversary celebrations. To this effect, the traffic office (trafikkontoret) was commissioned to manage the idea, it turned out that a city line was not only a good idea but also an innovative and sustainable way of commuting within the city.
The city managers, administrators and politicians, acknowledge that Gothenburg is a growing city and it must be able to welcome more residents, visitors and businesses. For this, a cable car could complement existing ways of traveling, while taking up little space in an already densely populated urban environment especially in the key areas of the city. They say, “Cable cars can be seen as a complement to existing public transport as they are suitable for bridging barriers such as watercourses and traffic routes. They can tie together strategic areas of a city. The city line that is now planned between Järntorget and Wiselgrensplatsen is intended to demolish central interchange points such as Brunnsparken and create a new cross-link in public transport where Järntorget, Lindholmen, Västra Ramberget and Wieselgrensplatsen are linked in a new way.”
Cable car or gondola car or aerial tramway with capsules is one of the cost-effective and sustainable modes of transport. Gothenburg has an efficient and effective modes of public transport both buses and trams the local trains.
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