Let, Lets, Let’s
Let, Lets, Let’s
“There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” -Graham Greene
Lets and let’s can be...
Lose, Loss, Loose
Lose, Loss, Loose
Is wearing loose clothes at bedtime better for the body?
What are you afraid to lose in life?
What is your unforgettable loss?
Kathy &...
Moral, Amoral, Immoral
Moral, Amoral, Immoral
“And when I still objected, I remember he said, ‘My dear Lady Ponsoby. There is nothing immoral about this. Art is never...
Naked, Bare, Nude, Nudist
Naked, Bare, Nude, Nudist
How much should be clothed, and how much should not be clothed, in a body varies from culture to culture, continent...
Of, Off, From
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” –Henry Ford
Inside, human beings...
Passed, Past, Passed Away, Passed Out
Passed, Past, Passed Away, Passed Out
Points of arrival and departures at the rail- and bus-stations and airports have entry and exit points to pass...
Pore, Pour, Poor, Porous
Pore, Pour, Poor, Porous
Countries that have friendly relations have porous borders.
India and Nepal have porous borders but this is not the case with India...
Precede, Proceed
Precede, Proceed
“November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the...
Principal, Principle
What are the principles that are dear to you as the principal of the college?
Principal functions as a noun and an adjective, and has...
Quiet, Quite
Quiet, Quite
The opposite of quiet is disquiet.
Quiet means silence, no sound, not noisy, not loud. An adjective, its superlatives are quiet, quieter, and quietest.