Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH
Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH
En fras – frasen – fraser – fraserna
En parlör –...
går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE
går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE. The following are the different tenses of the verb go. Note that the present tense verb does not change...
Sveriges geografi = Sweden’s geography
Sveriges geografi = Sweden’s geography
Geografiskt sett är Sverige det tredje största landet i Europeiska unionen (efter Frankrike, Spanien), och det femte största i Europa...
Nummer = NUMBERS, Cardinal numbers
NUMBERS = nummer
Swedish language uses Hindu-Arabic numerals like in English but here and there Latin numerals may also appear. Svenska språket använder arabiska siffror...
NORTH, EAST, SOUTH & WEST: Nord, Öst, Syd & Väst
Kardinalstreck: Nord, Öst, Syd & Väst
The four cardinal virtues are prudence, courage, temperance (restraint) and justice. De fyra...
Sveriges landskap = Sweden’s landscape (regions)
Sveriges landskap = Sweden’s landscape
Broadly, Sweden is divided into three major geographical regions. They are Norrland, (northern Sweden), Svealand (middle region) and Götland (southern...
Ö is one of the 29 alphabets in Swedish language, and one of the 9 vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y, Å, Ä...
Substantivgrupperna: NOUN GROUPS
Noun in Swedish is ‘substantiv’: one of the parts of speech, or word class, or classification of words. Nouns are words that talk about...
Unstranlatable Swedish Words: Mångta, Fika, Resfeber, Tretår
Swedish has some unique words that are untranslatable. LOST IN TRANSLATATION: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World is written by...
Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = One-room flat
Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = one-room flat
Like en, ett is an interesting and perplexing word in Swedish language: interesting because it...