9.8 C
Monday, November 4, 2024

Hinna, Hinner: HAVE TIME, REACH, MANAGE (verb), SKIN, MEMBRANE (noun)

Hinna in Swedish language functions as a verb and a noun. As a verb, it has more than two meanings, and commonly used in...

Hälsningar = GREETINGS  

Hälsningar = GREETINGS   One can greet a person in a formal or informal or very informal way. In Swedish, there are formal, informal and...

INTRODUCTION TO SWEDISH: Introduktion till svenska

There are more than 6000 languages in the world, and Swedish is one of them. If you consider to live and work in Sweden,...

ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN

ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN. The following are the different tenses of the verb eat. Note that the present tense verb does not...

Åt: Verb (EATEN), Preposition (FOR, AT, ABOUT, TO)

Åt in Swedish has three functions: it is used as verb, preposition and as part of adverbial and verbal phrases. As a verb, åt means...

Dagar, Veckor, Helger, Månader & Säsonger = DAYS, WEEKS, WEEKENDS, MONTHS & SEASONS

Dagar, Veckor, Helger, Månader & Säsonger DAYS, WEEKS, WEEKENDS, MONTHS & SEASONS Sweden is a green and nature friendly country. Swedes love their green space, and...


Adjective is one of the parts of speech. Adjektiv är en del av ordklasser. The...

Vanliga blommor: COMMON FLOWERS

Sveriges vanglia blommande växter är: THE COMMON FLOWERING PLANTS OF SWEDEN ARE:   Förgätmigej: FORGET ME NOT Vitsippa: WOOD ANEMONE Blåsippa: HEPATICA Tussilago: COLTSFOOT Blålocka:  BLUE BELL Maskros: DANDELION Prästkrage: OX-EYE DAISY Smörblomma:...

Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH

Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH En fras – frasen – fraser – fraserna A PHRASE – THE PHRASE – PHRASES En parlör –...

Substantiv= NOUN

All the words in Swedish language are classified into en- or ett-words. A word is either an en-word or an ett-word, accordingly they inflect...




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