18.6 C
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE

går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE. The following are the different tenses of the verb go. Note that the present tense verb does not change...

Vara, Är, Var, Varit: BE, IS, AM, ARE, WAS, WERE, BEEN

Att vara: TO BE Är: IS, AM, ARE Var: WAS, WERE Varit: BEEN Var, Vart: WHERE? Att vara and its inflections (derivative words according to the timeline OR tempus)...

FÅR functions as a noun, verb and an adjective (får, färre)

FÅR functions as a noun, verb and an adjective (får, färre) Få fungerar som ett verb, och som ett adjektiv, och som substantiv! Få functions...

INTRODUCTION TO SWEDISH: Introduktion till svenska

There are more than 6000 languages in the world, and Swedish is one of them. If you consider to live and work in Sweden,...


Ska, Skulle: SHALL, SHOULD, have to, must ... Hjälpverb: HELPING VERB Helping verbs in English language are: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, has, have,...

NORTH, EAST, SOUTH & WEST: Nord, Öst, Syd & Väst

CARDINAL DIRECTIONS: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH & WEST Kardinalstreck: Nord, Öst, Syd & Väst The four cardinal virtues are prudence, courage, temperance (restraint) and justice. De fyra...

ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN

ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN. The following are the different tenses of the verb eat. Note that the present tense verb does not...

Interjektions: INTERJECTIONS

In Swedish language, interjection is not spelt in the same way as in English but sounds almost similar in its pronunciation. You...

Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = One-room flat

Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = one-room flat Like en, ett is an interesting and perplexing word in Swedish language: interesting because it...

Verk, Verket = WORK, AGENCY (Govt.)

Verk, Verket = (noun) WORK Verk, Verket = (noun) AGENCY Verklig, Verkligt, Verkliga = (adjective) REAL Verkligt = (adverb)  REALLY Verklighet = (noun) REALITY The government agencies play...




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