Guldheden’s Valley: Guldhedsdalen – Home of Threatened ‘Lesser Spotted Woodpecker’
In the heart of Gothenburg aka Göteborg is a valley: Guldheden’s valley. One can access the valley from Sahlgrenska Hospital or from the bus-...
Maritiman: ‘It is an important part of the history of Gothenburg’
By the river Göta Älv and closer to the Gothenburg Opera House is Maritiman: bobbing on the waters of the river. Maritiman is a...
18th Century Gazebo in Gothenburg: Spectacular Scenery Inside
There is a well preserved gazebo from the late 1700s in the herb garden of the Botanical Garden of Gothenburg (Botaniska Trädgården). With its...
Diorama in Gothenburg
“See the world through a window-pane, the way it once was, but never will be again. Recorded long before YouTube, Animal Planet and Google...
Fondant Potatoes
Fondant is usually found in chocolates and on cakes. Fondant refers to a soft cream made of sugar, water, and flavourings used as the...