Göteborgs Stad (the City of Gothenburg) officials informed and explained to applicants about the changes to the application process in order to apply for funding for different type of projects. Kerste Broberg, Head of Cultural Funding Administration, Cultural Department, City of Gothenburg told that the change in the application process is to give more support and make it transparent for individuals and organizations. She told www.gothenburg-400.com: “We want to be more accessible and communicate more and there is an application form for annual support we will open up and make accessible for many organisations.”
Every year, the local government gives grants to individuals and organizations working on projects ranging from musical performance to an art project in a public square and to screening of movies. There are 9 categories (and 1 – en snabb slant) of applications invited for funding each one aimed at a specific project. They can be applied by individuals and organizations, and every year around 1800 people apply. The funding varies from an individual’s art project to annual support for bigger organizations such as an arts school or musical festival. One of the development from this year is that some projects are brought under one category in order to avoid overlapping such as intercultural projects.
– Projektstöd: 15 mars, 17 september senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Projektstöd Sommarlov: 7 mars senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Projektstöd Höstlov/Jullov: 24 augusti senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Projektstöd PRONTO: 31 januari, 18 april, 15 augusti, 31 oktober senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Interkulturellt projektstöd: 24 januari, 25 april, 22 augusti, 17 oktober senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Verksamhetsstöd: 13 juni senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Kulturstipendier: 15 november senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Författarstipendier: 15 november senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– Ateljéstöd: 31 augusti senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
– En Snabb Slant: löpande senast kl 12.00 mitt på dagen
For more information and application process, please check on the official website www.goteborg.se or click here
The grants for projects differ from one another and from applications based on individuals or organizations. What is the maximum amount a project can get? Kerste Broberg said, “There is no limit right now but the average is between 50, 000 and 150,000 Swedish kroners for a project but in the annual projects it is 200 thousand and some millions for a project.”
Göteborgs Stad invited residents who were interested to apply for a grants to an informative session on 20 September 2018. The response from the applicants was so huge the organizers have to arrange another room at Heurlins Pats 1 and about 100 people attended the session. During the session, Kerste Broberg and Myriam Mazzoni told the gathering about the changes to application process, what kind of operational support will be opened for application, about development aid, and the new guidelines will be introduced in 2019 and apply in all forms of support from 2020. Along with Kerste Broberg, Myriam Mazzoni and their colleagues Joanna Wakeham Ölund, Ulf Sigvardson, Sven Rånlund were present and interacted with the participants.
At the session, the officials also informed that Gothenburg gets less money from the national government than Malmö and Stockholm for culture. “We don’t know exactly why but we think there is something in the budget model,” Kerste Broberg said. The city’s population is increasing so are the art projects but this is not reflected in the budgetary allocation. She said, “We have not got less money but not increased money and the cultural life sector and the number of inhabitants have increased.”