What is the demonym for the residents of Gothenburg?
Swedish: Göteborgare, Göteborgarna, Göteborgska
English: Gothenburger, Gothenburgers
Demonym is the name attributed to the natives or residents or inhabitants of a city (New Yorker, Londoner, Delhiite), state (Welsh, Tamilian, Nova Scotian, Bihari), region (Southerner, Madrasi or South Indians), country (Chinese, Indian, Swedish), and a continent (European, Asian, South American, Australian). Demonym is the name given to the people who live in a particular habitation or area or a region within a country. Demonymns are derived from the name of the place that one hails or lives or resides or likes to be identified with: English (England), Siberian (Siberia), Czech (Czech Republic), Spanish (from Spain or a Spanish speaker or from a Spanish-speaking country).
Some places have more than one demonyms depending upon external influences and socio-political influences: the demonym for the resident of a Mumbai the financial capital of India are Mumbaikar, Mumbaiwala, Bombayite, and Bombaywalla(h). There are some Bombaywallahs too in Gothenburg – there are three restaurants in Gothenburg named after India’s business and movie capital: Bombay, but its name is changed now as Mumbai. Yet in Gothenburg we have Bombay Palace, Bombay Masala and
Göteborg aka Gothenburg is a maritime Nordic city and it is located at the heart of Scandinavia. What is the demonym for the resident of Gothenburg in English and Swedish?
Demonym for Göteborg: Gothenburg | |||
Obestämd form
Singular |
Bestämd form
Singular |
Obestämd form
Plural |
Bestämnd form
Plural |
EnGöteborgare | Göteborgaran | Göteborgare | Göteborgarna |
A Gothenburger | The Gothenburger | Gothenburgers | The Gothenburgers |
A female resident of Gothenburg has a specific demonym: ‘göteborgska’. Beware that göteborgska also refers to the Swedish dialect spoken in Gothenburg.
HåkanStrömberg, the educational officer of Gothenburg City Museum (GöteborgsStadsmuseem) explains: Göteborgare in Swedish. In English? “It is more like Germany style – Hamburger. Gothenburger.”
Petra a resident of Gothenburg described in Swedish as Göteborgska because she is a woman: A demonym that teases out the gender of the resident. And she says, her husband is a Göteborgare!
Watch the video how HåkanStrömberg, Petra, Peter Rolfe, Viktor Valencia and Simaodescribe themselves:
Gänget bakom Göteburgare tror att stans veganser saknat flottig mat. Nu öppnar de Göteborgs första helveganska hamburgerhak. – GöteborgDirekt, Angered- Östra Göteborg 6 May-12 May 2017
Hur var det att leva som göteborgare på 1600-talet? Med hjälp av unika föremål, noga utvalda scener, ljudmiljöer och modern teknik som virtual reality tar Göteborgs stadsmuseum oss tillbaka till när allt började. –Ellinor Thunberg, Vårt Göteborg # 1 2017
Masthuggskyrkan är en av de mest urgöteborgska byggnaderna. –Masthuggskyrkan