Domkyrkan or the Gothenburg Cathedral, located in the heart of the city, observed the Easter Sunday and its seating capacity was full for the holy Sunday. The mass on Easter Sunday started at 11am with a procession signifying ‘Christ is risen’ and ‘He is indeed risen’. And, started with a prayer: ’Bön om förlåtelse: Barmhärtige Gud, du som i Kristus öppnar vägen till dig och utplånar världens alla synder, jag ber dig: Rena mig, så blir jag ren, hela mig, så blir jag hel, drag mid till dig, så får mitt hjärta ro’. Prayer for forgiveness: Merciful God, you who in Christ open the way to you and obliterate all the sins of the world, I beg you: Cleanse me, and I will be clean, my whole, and I will be whole, draw to you, so will my heart be in peace.
Bishop Susanne Rappmann, Karin Burstrand the dean, vicar/pastor Marie-Louise Bengtsson, trumpeters Bjørn Bjerknaes-Jacobsen and Jonathan Gustavsson led the prayers and music for the occasion. The choir for the service on Easter Sunday was directed by Michael Sager assisted by the organist Mikael Fridén and Michael Ardenheim in addition to the staff of the church.
On Easter Sunday, the church was opened from 10 am to 4 pm, and many tourists were seen in and around the precincts of the church. Domkyrkan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city because of its geographical location, architecture, historicity, serene ambience and music in the church during lunch hours.
Rare opportunity on Saturday, 27 April: the steeple tower of the Gothenburg Cathedral is not usually open to the public to see but on Saturday, 27 April the church is opening for the audience to see the church and its surroundings including to climb up the steeple tower (which is normally closed). The nominal price for the visit is SEK 20.
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