Edgar Weibull ran, and ran, fighting against the fatigue, defying his age, conquering the challenges of his body, and ran, and ran … as he came to the finishing line, the people gathered at Slottsskogsvallen cheered him, and welcomed him, and encouraged him.

The young Shadrack Kimining completed the 21km run in 01:01:31 followed by his fellow-countryman Wilson Kipsang and Mikael Ekvall from Sweden finished the race standing at 7th position (01:03:52). In the women’s race, Meseret Belete Tola completed the race in 01:09: 06 followed by Bekelech Gudeta. The 35-year-old Isabellah Andersson from Sweden came at 10th position reaching the finish line in 01:16: 11.
Over 80,000 runners have participated in the seven types of races during the annual event in 2018. Bo Edsberger said in a press release that “Everything has been great, talented officials, nice weather and amazing audiences and runners. It will be difficult to outdo this”.
“We have to start the preparations for next year. It will be the fortieth marathon (in 2019),” Mattias Grahn told www.gothenburg-400.com Mattias the communications manager of GöteborgsVARVET was delighted the way the half marathon finished this year though there were 30 people who had some injuries.
This year, the blessing on the occasion was the fine weather: sunny from morning till evening with a shower or a drizzle.
For the results of different types of races, please check: at the office website of GöteborgsVARVET. The winners of the race are also those who participated in the event, directly or indirectly, the runners, the audience, and the organizers.