During the cultural festival in the summer of 2019 organised by Göteborgs Stad (the City of Gothenburg) and Göteborg & Co the company, there was a temporary shop in the open public space in front of Trädgårdsforeningen and in front of Stora Teatern on Avenyn in Central Gothenburg. At the Gothenburg Cultural Festival there was a dedicated spot called Green Corner where eco-products and sustainable ventures had an exhibition or a display of their products. One of the shops was manned by Hakim from Alzoubi farm located in Olofstorp.
Hakim had brought vegetables from his farm on Lysbrunnsvägen in Olofstorp, and put them up for sale. During the festival, he had a good response from the visitors who showed interest to purchase the vegetables and greens from the local farmer. He said that life as a farmer is not easy because the growing season for vegetables is short and when it is winter you cannot cultivate. 2019 was his first year as the farmer in Sweden, and hopes to come back for the next year’s cultural festival: 2020. Will he continue in farming? Is it profitable or make a living out of farming? Hakim said, “Not so much because this is the first year for me. … I do not know how it is going to go in the future but good.”
With the customers, Hakim also shared a recipe: Recipe for kousa mahshi (mini zucchini) för 1 kg små zucchini (ca 12-14 st) – Fyllning: 350 kg köttfärs, 5 dl ris, tvättad och avrunnen (kort eller lån); 50 mg smält smör; 0,5 tsk kanel; 1 tsk svartpeppar; 1,5 tsk av sju kryddor; 1 msk torkad mynta; Tomatsås; ca 2 liter vatten; 5-6 msk tomatpure; i färsk tomat, hackade i tärningar; 4-5 vitlöksklyftor; 2 msk salt (kan bytas ut mot hönsbuljong); i tsk svartpeppar; blanda egen sju krydda. Bland all skryddor (allt ska vara malet) och förvara i en bruk. TIPS: släng inte resterna som gröptes ur zurcchinin. Stek dem mjuka med lök, krydda med mynta, salt och citron. Servera med en bit bröd – MUMS!
Gör såhär: Blanda alla ingredienser till fyllningen och ställ åt sidan (riset och köttet ska vara rå). Skär bort skaften på toppen av zucchinin, håll ett stadigt grepp gröp ur långsamt. Snurra urgröppa en/tesked/potatisskalaren långsamt men bestämt samtidigt som du arbetar dig in. OM det är första gången du gör detta så kommer du lyckas ta i sönder några stycken, det är inte hela världen, övning ger färdighet. Pilla in fyllningen med fingarna hela vägen ner men lämna ca 5 mm tom längst så riset får utrymme att svälla upp.
ALZOUBI FARM: The thirty vegetables that were on sale ranged from cucumbers to potatoes, squash to zucchini, spinach and a range of salads.
You can find interesting people and interesting events related to arts and culture at Gothenburg’s annual cultural festival in Agusut 2020.