Vetenskapsfestivalen: The Science Festival
Annual science festival in Gothenburg: unique & utilitarian
Why do we go with the flow of the times (follow someone or something either socially or politically or fashion-wise) or imitate into the current moments?
Why do we distance ourselves or maintain space between ourselves and others (issues or developments around us)?
In times of anxiety and concerns, activism and movements (campaigns like Metoo to revolutions) how do we stand up or face, and how does those really affect us to organize?
The festival kicks off on April 17 and last until 22, and the theme of this year is “What are we?” It is one of the defining festivals of Gothenburg (Göteborg) held every year.
Are we a product of conditions and circumstances, socially and politically and culturally?
Jennie Turner, Manager of the International Science Festival, Göteborg & Co, says ‘what are we’ is exploring about us a group, what we can do, how we can work together as a collective, how we deal ourselves (individualism and isolationism), how we deal ourselves vis-à-vis technology, how we face the challenges and how we face to change something in the world by shouldering responsibility. All these aspects will be raised, discussed and dissected at the weeklong science festival in quadricentennial city of Gothenburg and the largest knowledge festival in Sweden.
During the course of six days, the organisers expect more than 70,000 visits with participants ranging from academia, schools and industry across all sectors to take part in lectures, seminars, demonstrations, games and experiments.
How do we become part of us if we are alone (isolated and insulated individuals)?
Last year’s theme was ‘Trust’ which highlighted conflicts and crises of confidence globally, socially and politically. Jennie Turner notes that this year’s theme will also ‘examine the mechanisms behind how we organize ourselves, both voluntarily and in democratic systems’.
The events are spread over more than 30 venues across the city, and most of them are free to enter. In addition to ‘What are we?’ there will be many other subjects of science that are identified for discussion and deliberations.
Topics like Artificial Intelligence, Are Robots Moral?, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Threats & Opportunities, Conscious Design, Who Includes Who? are identified for the festival.
For more information:
Facebook: vetenskapsfestivalen
The festival inaugurates on Tuesday, 17 April at 5:30 PM at Draken Theatre, Järntorget. The entry is free but you have to register (at the above link).
Started in 1997, the International Science Festival has been a meeting place for knowledge, inspiration and perspectives dealing with sustainability, environmentalism, social and economic issues.
The main sponsors for the programme are Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborgs Universitet, Näringslivsgruppen Göteborg & Co, Göteborg Stad, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Vetenskapsrådet and Vinnova.