Learned, Learnt
If learned and learnt are confusing, so is the case with leaned, leant; leaped, leapt…
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” –Henry Ford
We all have to learn as how to live the life, and learn those skills through education that are required for a livelihood: educational and professional competencies.
Learn is a verb meaning to get instruction from a trained person to acquire knowledge over a period of time.
We learn.
We are learners.
We are learning.
We are not learned if we assume we are learned (learned: adjective & adverb).
“Learn on, live on!” –Terri Guillernets
The teachers teach, the pupils/students/learners learn!
“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” –Chinese proverb
Learned functions as an adjective and as the past tense of the regular verb learn (learn-learned-learned or learnt).
Other derivatives of learn are learns, learning (verbs), learner and learners (noun), and learning (noun?)
Learned as an adjective has two distinctive meanings. When you refer to someone as a learned person, it means he or she is a scholar, having much or sound knowledge.
Learned people should enter into politics so that they can make a contribution for bringing in beneficial rules and regulations in governing the societies. In this of adjectival form, learned is pronounced as two syllables: ler-nid.
Learned refers to knowledge base of someone that has been acquired.
Learned is the past tense of the verb learn but in American English learned is only past participle form of learn. In this verbal form, learned is pronounced as one syllable: lernd.
Learnt is another form of the past tense and past participle of the verb ‘learn’: learn-learned or learnt-learned or learnt. But in this sense, learnt, is used in British English, and those countries that English as a result of colonial rule.
Some people have learnt skills by themselves such as setting up business or writing.
“No matter how one may think himself accomplished, when he sets out to learn a new language, science, or the bicycle, he has entered a new realm as truly as if he were a child newly born into the world.” –Francis Willard
Learning difficulty is a noun meaning a mental problem that affects in learning.
Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) in the UK is a course for all the teachers to study because learning is not a one-time activity, and it is a continuous process. Teaching and learning is s a continuous process because technology which is evolving and enriching all the time, and to use it for teaching and learning is a lifelong activity.
If you stop learning, you are old!