Spring is finally springing in the city: green shoots are emerging. Traditional seasonal cleaning in Spring is in the top gear. Across the city, apartments and buildings are putting up notices in their buildings asking tenants and owners to participate in the cleaning up of their premises.
Jill Nordstand the Gothenburger (Göteborgska) noted that the city can be cleaner because these days some have lost the civic sense. She said, “My grandmother taught me not to throw even a chocolate wrapper on the streets. To keep not only my home is important but also to throw anything on the streets. It is possible to make Gothenburg the most beautiful city in the world. For this to happen …let us keep Gothenburg more clean and beautiful….” Moreover, she said sometimes she forces herself to tell people not to litter when she spots someone throwing on the streets or notices commuters sitting with their legs on the seats in public transport. Born and raised in Gothenburg, Jill works as a job coach and mentor. She says the issue of ‘keeping clean’ is also a cultural thing and the younger generation should be taught in order to get that into their blood. She pointed, “It is much nicer when it is clean and tidy, isn’t it?”
Gothenburg aka Göteborg is one of the oldest cities in the world. The city is preparing to celebrate its 400th year in 2021. The quadricentennial city is gearing up for the celebrations and it is emerging as the epicentre for cultural activities, tourism and business in northern Europe.
Gothenburg’s City Council is encouraging the residents to keep the city clean. Ann-Sofie Hermansson the head of the council took to the streets with broom in hand. She tweeted: ”Hur skräpigt blir det i centrum om ingen städar på ett par dagar? Tyvärr för mycket. Idag var det dags för den traditionella vårstädningen. Min uppmaning till alla göteborgare är att var rädd om Göteborg – tänk på var du slänger skräpet och hjälp till att minska nedskräpningen.”
Ann-Sofie Hermansson: “How much rubbish will it be at the centre if nobody cleans it up couple of times? Unfortunately, too much. Today it was time for the traditional spring cleaning. My request to all Gothenburgers is to be prudent or careful of Gothenburg – think about where you throw the garbage and help to reduce the litter.”

What is Vårstädningen?
Vårstädning (cleaning in spring season) is a customary seasonal practice in Gothenburg like in the rest of Sweden wherein people participate in cleaning up their premises as the weather gets sunnier, warmer, and greener during spring.
Elmira Fanni, Utbildning / Stöd & Matchning, noted that the city can look better if the council employs more people. She said, “Fifteen years ago it was much cleaner. We need to employ more people to keep the city clean. When you go to other countries you notice people cleaning all the time.”
During ‘vårstädning’ one can do their best by taking care of one’s litter, and keep the city cleaner, and aim to make the city the cleanest in the world. Together, we can reduce the litter.
Will you tell someone when you see him or her littering the streets not to litter? Or is it an issue to be tackled by the parents at home? Or, educational institutions should play a role?