Pubs and bars, restaurants and takeaways keep coming and going in Gothenburg. But there are restaurant owners and chefs who relentlessly innovate in food sector, too. In Gothenburg, not only at the hi-tech companies where innovation is taking place but also in its food industry.
Ostindiska: Ölkompaniet Göteborg: EAST INDIA BEER COMPANY GOTHENBURG has opened its outlet on Värmlandsgatan by Järntorget. Here you will find 16 different types of beers on tap, and 8-10 different taps of guest beers; and with an interesting range of burgers and pizzas hitherto unfound in the city. Ask the bar staff, checkout for Simon: What is new, What is good, What is the ‘catch of the day’, What goes with what…
Ölkompaniet: Göteborg: East India Beer Company. It welcomes in and onboard Göthborg – The East India Explorer – O’hoy there ol’ sailor!
The staff will greet you with the warmest of welcomes. You can step ‘inside our humble pub and be a part of the journey and flavour exploration of “The East India Explorer, Göthburg”’.
The pub-cum-eatery offers a unique experience: take part in enjoying new and old flavours from many corners of the world, navigate through its Pan-Asian/Swedish fusion cuisine.
East India Beer Company offers one of Gothenburg’s biggest selections of hand-crafted and industrially-brewed beers both draught, and bottled or canned.
CHEF PYAR SINGH MEHRA: In the kitchen of the bar, there is Pyar Singh Mehra who has decades of experience. He can oblige you with a platter of vegetable pakoras and fritters sprinkled with a sparkle of fresh leaves.
NAAN PIZZA: The kitchen has fusion dishes: a fusion of Italian pizza and Indian naan. You can try one of them: Curry Nam Nam, Babe (spicy), Capricciosa, Weedeater (Vegan: Vitlöksstekt svamp, cocktailtomater, zucchini, lök, ruccola, korianderranchdressing), and G.O.A.T (Chèvre-crème, bacon, lök och mozzarella).
BURGERS: Ostindiska Ölkompaniet serves a range of burgers: The Classic, Dr Pepper, The Joint, Jaca (Vegan: pulled jackfruit, strimlad isbergssallad, tomat, lök, tempeh-bacon, saltgurka); Ostindieburgaren, Koreander (spicy: misomajonnäs, kimchi-picklad kinakål, chiligurka, coriander-ranchdressing). All the burgers are priced at SEK 99/-
The bar is opened all days except on Mondays: Tuesday 16:00-late, Wednesday: 16:00-late, Thursday: 16:00-late, Friday: 15:00-late, Saturday: 13:00-1:00, Sunday: 13:00-late
Ostindiska Ölkompaniet GBG
Värmlandsgatan 18b
Tel: 031-140310