Passed, Past, Passed Away, Passed Out
Points of arrival and departures at the rail- and bus-stations and airports have entry and exit points to pass through.
Do you wish someone you are acquainted with when you pass him or her in a market or mall?
Pass is a verb, and has many meanings: to go alongside by such as a pavement, roadway, alleyway; by the side of something or someone, go through; to handover something to someone.
Pass means to clear an examination or an entrance test or to get a certain number of marks or percentage of marks as a proof of clearing an exam and gaining that qualification. Passing or failing in an examination matters a lot.
Pass means to approve something such as a rule or regulation: the neighbours’ committee meets biannually and passes rules and regulations in tune to the changing times and residents’ behaviour.
When something is approved, it means granted: passed.
To pass water is a phrase meaning to urinate: where you are heading? To pass water!
Passed is the past tense and the past participle of the verb to pass.
Passed is the past tense of the verb ‘to pass’. What stage of life have you passed, so far?
Passed: have you passed in the life’s tests so far?
The storms and tornadoes are monitored meticulously by meteorologists as they pass from area to area in the vicinities of the coastline or shoreline or hitting the land, landfall.
Passed is the past tense of to pass being to have moved.
The tornado passed through the city quickly, but it caused great damage.
Anna Karin passed in the examination with distinction.
Past functions as an adjective, adverb, noun and preposition!
Past is the time before the present, at a previous time.
Past is the time that is no longer current.
Past as an adjective refers to the time that has gone by, time belonging to a former time or place. Past as an adjective refers to a former time, a bygone thing and someone who held a position at one of time but not now.
Past as a noun refers to a bygone time, the time that has gone by either days or months or seasons or years.
Who was the past president of Microsoft?
As an adverb, past means travelling from one point to another point: they trees swayed threatening as they walked past the trodden path in the jungle.
As a noun, past refers to a period of time that has gone.
People long for the things of the past: nostalgia!
As a preposition, past refers to something that is beyond.
Millions and millions of people walk or drive past cemeteries.
Past is also used in mention in time: what time is it? Ten past three!
Passed out is an informal expression meaning fainted, or graduated.
Passed away is a term to refer to someone who has died: I am no more a child: my mother passed away.