Pore, Pour, Poor, Porous
Countries that have friendly relations have porous borders.
India and Nepal have porous borders but this is not the case with India and Pakistan.
Pore functions as a noun and verb. Pore is a tiny opening in the skin, minute opening in the surface of living beings through which gases, liquids or fine solids pass.
Pore is any small opening, an interstice that allows passage of a fluids. It is derived from the Greek word ‘poros’ meaning passage.
Pore also functions as verb usually followed by over: can you pore over a book and complete it in a stretch of two hours?
Pore over means be absorbed in studying such a book, or a topic; to study meticulously, to go over again and again about something.
Pore means to meditate, to reflect in a steady way. The variants of the verb pore are pores, pored, poring.
Pore over means to study something: not pour over!
Catherine pored over many books when she was a student: 1200 books in four years.
Porelike is an adjective referring to something resembling like pores, having characteristics of pores.
Porous is an adjective meaning something having tiny pores which allow fluids, air, gases to pass through them. Other variants are porously (adverb) and porousness and porosity (nouns).
Sponges are porous which can absorb liquids.
Figuratively, porous refers to having gaps.
European countries have porous borders.
Porous also refers to a legislation that has loopholes; of an argument or security system that is leaky, admitting infiltration.
Pour is a verb. Pour is an action involving when you drop such as a liquid over something; cause to flow especially in downwards such in a stream, shower; rain; fall heavily, come out (pour out) or in (pour in) in a profusion; to discharge, utter in a rush or at length.
In the pouring night (rain) they pored over research papers.
She poured water over him!
It’s pouring all night (rain).
Pour is usually followed by down, out, over.
You pour water on the embers to put off the fire (douse).
The variants of pour are pours, poured, pouring (verbs), pourable (adjective), pourer (noun) and other phrases are pour forth, pour down, pour cold water on, pour scorn, pour oil on the waters or on troubled waters.
Pour one’s heart out means to share or express one’s innermost thoughts or feelings.
With whom do you pour your heart out, or do you keep everything to yourself?
And, poor!
You know what is being ‘poor’? There are poor people and rich people, poor countries and rich countries. But there are poor people materially but living spiritually rich.