From 19 August 2019, the price of monthly travel card in Gothenburg will rise from SEK 640 to 775. The monthly travel card allows Gothenburgers to travel in trams and buses but from next month one has to pay SEK 135 more. Västtrafik, the manager of public transport in Västra Götaland region in which Gothenburg municipality is one of them, says that the local politicians of Göteborgs Stad has decided to raise the travel fare. The politicians have removed the subsidy given to the commuters.
Västtrafik says that Gothenburg City has paid part of the travelcard’s fare for public transport in the city for 12 years (since 2007). In the new budget the City Council (Göteborgs Stad) voted through that the subsidy does not exist. The ordinary price of period cards, without subsidy, is the price that currently applies in all other municipalities in Västra Götaland.
Until now, the price of a monthly travel card in Gothenburg is SEK 640 (with subsidy) but from 19 August 2019, it will be SEK 775.
30 days travel card for adults: SEK 775
30 days travel card for children: SEK 580
90 days travel card for adults: SEK 2095
90 days travel card for children: SEK 1570
365 days travel card for adults: SEK 7750
Per term or one semester card for school and college goers: SEK 555
However, the pensioners or those who are 65 years in age (seniors), will continue to travel free of charge during off-peak hours: weekdays 08.30-15.00 and 18.00-06.00, 24 hours a day on weekends.
Q & A from Västtrafik:
How can you raise the price and at the same time say that you want Gothenburgers should use public transport? It is a political decision to remove the subsidy on travelcards in Gothenburg. This decision, we must relate to and continue to work on developing public transport and for a sustainable travel.
Can I buy several period cards in advance before August 19? Yes. At our stores and agents, you can buy several travelcards (period cards/periodkort) that can be activated one after the other. However, the cards must be activated within 180 days from the date of purchase. In Västtrafik’s app To Go, the card must be activated within 30 days from the day of purchase.
I live outside Gothenburg municipality. How does this affect me? Your period card will not be more expensive. Gothenburg + and Gothenburg ++ are not affected by the price rise. (The municipalities or kommuner surrounding Göteborg are: Mölndal, Partille, Lerum, Ale, Kungälv, Tjörn, Stenugnsund, Kungsbacka, Lila Edet, Alingsås, Vårgårda, Bollebygd, Borås, Härryda, and mark.)
I am retired. Will my travelcard be more expensive? The seniors’ or pensioners’ travelcards are not affected by the price increase.
Will single ticket prices be raised on August 19? No, single tickets price will remain the same.
GOTHENBURG’S CITY COUNCIL: It is the highest decision-making body in Gothenburg related to local administration including the guidelines for the business, budget, tax rates and others. The City Council in Gothenburg has 81 regular members and 44 substitutes. For more information about the political parties and politicians, visit: For more information on public transport, visit and or call 0771-41 43 00