With elections a month away, the Centerpartiet (Center Party) has made its presence felt in Gothenburg. In many parts of the city, party’s posters have appeared in billboards especially at the tram- and bus-stops. The billboards are adorned with the party leader Annie Lööf the leader of the party and one of the most popular leaders in Sweden.
A Gothenburger (Göteborgare) from another political party told www.gothenburg-400.com that the posters are good, and the slogan is catchy: FRAMÅT FÖR MEDMÄNSKLIGHET (Forward for more humanity).
Centerpartiet is one of the eight political parties of Sweden who have representation in the outgoing Parliament.

Sweden is going for General Elections on Sunday, 9 September 2018.
Centerpartiet is also emphasizing on migration and integration, which is one of the dominant issues in the elections. It mentioned on its website that “people are caught up in the many years of alienation and Sweden likely to be shared” but it also want to see the issue not only as a problem but also as the potential. “We want to open the way to more manual jobs, so that more people can participate in society and provide for themselves. To create better integration and a more humane Sweden”.
Sweden is a parliamentary democracy with constitutional monarchy. Based on the electoral results, whichever political party (or a group of political parties) receives majority of the votes gets an invitation to form the government. The last time one party got absolute majority was in 1968, and it was Social Democratic Party (Social Democrats) with 50.1 per cent of the votes.
To have a representation in the Swedish parliament, a political party must receive at least four per cent of the total votes polled, or at least 12 per cent of the total votes polled in any of the country’s 29 constituencies but the parliament has 349 seats. After an election, the Election Authority distributes the seats proportionally, depending on the number of votes that each party has received. To make sure that the whole country is represented, the distribution of seats also takes into account the election results in each constituency. The largest constituency is the County of Stockholm, the smallest the County of Gotland.
Swedish parliament has a single chamber, or it is a unicameral legislature unlike Britain, India and USA which have bicameral legislatures (senate and congress, or lower house and upper house).
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