Tag: Learn swedish through English
Hinna, Hinner: HAVE TIME, REACH, MANAGE (verb), SKIN, MEMBRANE (noun)
Hinna in Swedish language functions as a verb and a noun. As a verb, it has more than two meanings, and commonly used in...
Ska, Skulle: SHALL, SHOULD, have to, must ... Hjälpverb: HELPING VERB
Helping verbs in English language are: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, has, have,...
DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A CULTURAL PROJECT LEADER? Vill du bli kulturprojektledare?
Att vilja (TO WANT), vill (WANT, WANTS, WANTING), ville (WANTED), velat (WANTED)
Åt: Verb (EATEN), Preposition (FOR, AT, ABOUT, TO)
Åt in Swedish has three functions: it is used as verb, preposition and as part of adverbial and verbal phrases. As a verb, åt means...
ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN
ät, äter; åt, ätit: EAT, ATE, EATEN. The following are the different tenses of the verb eat. Note that the present tense verb does not...
går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE
går, gick, gått: GO, WENT, GONE. The following are the different tenses of the verb go. Note that the present tense verb does not change...
Synonymer = SYNONYMS
Synonym is a word that has one or two or more words or expressions of the same language that has the same or nearly...
Unstranlatable Swedish Words: Mångta, Fika, Resfeber, Tretår
Swedish has some unique words that are untranslatable. LOST IN TRANSLATATION: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World is written by...
Substantivgrupperna: NOUN GROUPS
Noun in Swedish is ‘substantiv’: one of the parts of speech, or word class, or classification of words. Nouns are words that talk about...