Gothenburg aka Göteborg has, currently, some interesting billboards advertising not about products or services but about the importance of teachers, the good teachers. pays tribute to the teachers in Gothenburg for their service to the society. The teachers especially in the elementary and primary schools do a great job and the most difficult job, and they should be rewarded by the society accordingly. The teachers care and tend to the children for the most part of the day while parents are away for the most part of the day to pursue their personal and professional lives.
The billboards announce: ALLT BÖRJAR MED BRA LÄRARE: Oavsett vilka historier du vill berätta genom livet, är bra lärare med dig hela vägen. Ta det av samtalet mellan Bea Uusma och Martina Haag / Mark Levengood och Seinabo Sey / Allexandra Pascalidou och Christer Fugelsang om skolan och lärarnas betydelse för att våga satsa på sina drömmar på
IT ALL STARTS WITH GOOD TEACHERS: No matter what stories you want to tell through life, good teachers are with you all the way. Take it from the conversation between Bea Uusma and Martina Haag / Mark Levengood och Seinabo Sey / Allexandra Pascalidou och Christer Fugelsang about the school and the importance of the teachers to dare to invest in their dreams at
Lärarförbundet (teachers’ association) is the only organization that brings together the power of the entire teaching profession in Sweden. The organization has 234,000 teachers as its members who make a difference to the society with their contribution. It has new ambassadors now: Bea Uusma, Martina Haag, Mark Levengood, Seinabo Sey, Allexandra Pascalidou and Christer Fugelsang.
Bea Uusma (Mari Beatrice ‘Bea’ Uusma) was previously known as Uusma Schyffert. She is an author, illustrator and medical doctor and the sister of Swedish actress Martina Haag. The two sisters are two of the six ambassadors of Lärarförbundet.