Troll, Trolls, Trolling
Theology, Trolleology, Trolleyology
You know, theology: study of religions, formal study of nature of God, study of the foundations of religious beliefs, and systematic study of theological system.
What is trolleology?
Troll functions as noun and a verb.
As a verb, troll refers to fish with a rod and line by pulling bait through the water behind a boat, or fish by trailing a baited line. Troll means carefully and systematically searching someone, something, an area, and a subject on social media for one or the other purpose.
The conjugations or derivatives of troll are trolls (second person – She trolls. He trolls. It trolls), troll (first person and third person plural – I troll. They troll), trolling and trolled.
Trolling for pike or mackerel? In this sentence, trolling is functioning as a gerund.
As a noun, troll refers to an evil giant at mischievous but friendly dwarf. In this sense, troll is a Scandinavian myth and Norse folklore alluding to evil and friendliness in a creature.
When in Norway, check out for a troll in a shop. Trolls for ornamentation and cultural symbolism abound in the country. Trolls are spotted in some gardens in Sweden.
Is Russia the troll of cybersphere?
With internet and its offshoot of social media in our midst, trolling is a reality. In this context, troll refers to a person who deliberately or intentionally sows discord or enmity by inciting quarrels or upsetting people with the help of positing or publishing derogatory or inflammatory observations or views.
Troll on an internet is the one who sows inflammatory information to incite fights or heated discussions among online communities affiliated to one or the other party or cause or campaign. Troll plants stories on social media in order to get an emotional response from the social media users or to mislead them.
An (internet) troll’s aim is derive amusement by deflecting people from their pathways.
Trolling is part of an internet discourse and discussion especially after the US Presidential elections in 2016.
The Guardian observed in 2011 trolls as ‘From goat-hassling monsters to online nuisances, trolls have had a bad press. But they are not the same as bullies – recent stories have created a linguistic muddle’ and more.
What is trollelogy?
Trolleology is the study of trolls, observing the behaviour of trolls on the social media, analysing the gamut of issues of a troll from political and social perspectives to gain insight behind the intent of the troll (the person or organization or country).
The Economist highlights trolleology in the wake of alleged Russian interference in US Presidential elections.
Do you know, there is also, trolleyology!
MacMillan Dictionary points to trolleyology as: “The term trolleyology was originally coined by American anthropologists. It describes those evaluative glances of other people’s purchases which we’ve all made at some stage or other, either in the shopping aisles or at the checkout. The idea is that what you put in your supermarket basket or trolley in some way shows something about your personality and behavioural patterns.”
The trolls on social media has brought in a new field of study in 21st century: trolleology. One can choose to study theology, trolleyology and trolleology.
Kovuuri G. Reddy