Miljöpartiet or the Green Party is one of the eight political parties in Swedish Parliament, and it was founded in 1981. Though a small party but it is the most visible political party in Sweden after Social Democratic Party (Socialademokraterna: S) because it is represented at local, regional, national and in the European Parliament. It is also part of the Swedish government since 2014 led by Stefan Löfven of Social Democratic Party government.
The Green Party or Miljöpartiet is a small party with a big party (S) though with a small majority.
Ulf Kamne is the Deputy Mayor (Vice ordf kommunstyrelsen) of Gothenburg municipality (Göteborgs Stad). He is one of the key members of Miljöpartiet (MP) in Gothenburg aka Göteborg. Being in the local government he is trying to implement the core issues of the Green Party – environmental friendly policies and programmes in the city ranging from city planning to infrastructure. He is credited for introducing organic bananas and organic coffee to Sweden.
In an interview to www.gothenburg-400-com, he shared his experiences in running the 400-year-old city and in preparing it for the elements of nature. Gothenburg is the city closer to the sea with a river. He said though he represents a small party but with a big party (the local government is run by S and MP) but his position of privilege comes with a responsibility. Will he retain his position after the elections on 9 September 2018? He opined that ‘satisfied with what I have done but lot more to do’ with so many things going on in the city. Listen to the podcast:
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