Your, You’re, Yours, (not, Your’s), Yourself, Yore
Your is a pronoun (possessive determiner), your means ‘it belongs to you’, belonging to the person or people addressed.
Is this your wallet?
Your indicates possessiveness.
Your is also used to address important people in position of power, authority, or occupying a chair, key officials such as in diplomacy: Your Excellency, Your Majesty, Your Honour…
Your parents are arriving today. You better go to the railway station to receive them.
When you write letters, and you usually sign of by writing ‘Yours Sincerely or Your’s Sincerely?” Signing letters it should be yours sincerely: without the apostrophe. Your’s is incorrect usage because the apostrophe and the ‘s’ are not required to indicate possessiveness: your itself denotes possessiveness. Yours sincerely will do, so are: yours truly, yours faithfully.
Yours is the possessive of your: meaning ‘belonging to you’.
Is that yours?
Is that house yours?
Note that sometimes yours is abbreviates as yrs.
You’re is a contracted or shortened form of two words: your and are.
You’re (you are), who’s (who is), it’s (it is) can create confusion because of the similar sound and they are two words but clubbed together with use of the punctuation mark apostrophe (’). You’re is a short form for ‘you are’.
You are welcome (you’re welcome)
You are a strange creature (you’re: because you have many idiosyncrasies).
You are can be written as you’re.
But ‘you’re’ is used in informal contexts: not in formal writings.
You’re welcome to our house.
You’re here because you have a task to attend; by completing it your image will get a boost for the good. It is all yours, to work now.
Don’t count your chicken before they’re hatched is a saying meaning – do not depend on something before it has happening.
You can visit the office it is up to you, your choice, and you’re responsible for it.
Yourself (singular and yourselves is plural): yourself is used when the person or people addressed receive an action, or affected by an action; used to emphasis the person addressed (Go there, yourself. You have to experience yourselves the joy of travelling before completing your higher education.), alone (do you live yourself? Are you by yourself since your spouse left you? Are you confident of solving this problem by yourself?).
Yours faithfully!
Yore means time long past