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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Substantivgrupperna: NOUN GROUPS

Noun in Swedish is ‘substantiv’: one of the parts of speech, or word class, or classification of words. Nouns are words that talk about...

Åt: Verb (EATEN), Preposition (FOR, AT, ABOUT, TO)

Åt in Swedish has three functions: it is used as verb, preposition and as part of adverbial and verbal phrases. As a verb, åt means...

Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH

Grundläggande fraser på svenska = BASIC PHRASES IN SWEDISH En fras – frasen – fraser – fraserna A PHRASE – THE PHRASE – PHRASES En parlör –...

Synonymer = SYNONYMS

Synonym is a word that has one or two or more words or expressions of the same language that has the same or nearly...


Apostrophe is a punctuation mark ( ’ ). Apostrof är ett tecken. En apostrof – apostrofen...


Ö is one of the 29 alphabets in Swedish language, and one of the 9 vowels: A, E, I, O, U, Y, Å, Ä...


En: One En is an interesting and perplexing word in Swedish language: interesting because it has more than one meaning, and perplexing because -...

Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = One-room flat

Ett = One (1) & A; Etta = one-room flat Like en, ett is an interesting and perplexing word in Swedish language: interesting because it...

Interjektions: INTERJECTIONS

In Swedish language, interjection is not spelt in the same way as in English but sounds almost similar in its pronunciation. You...

Unstranlatable Swedish Words: Mångta, Fika, Resfeber, Tretår

Swedish has some unique words that are untranslatable. LOST IN TRANSLATATION: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World is written by...



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